Quick update: I’ll be out of the office all throughout August! I’m a team of 1, so if you leave a comment or send me an email, I’ll get back to you in early September.
What do you say when you’re not sure if someone is teasing you or trying to get one over on you?
“Non prendermi in giro!”
Literally, it translates to, “Don’t take me for a spin!”
But colloquially, it means
Don’t mess with me!
Don’t give me a hard time!
Don’t make fun of me!
You could also say: “Non mi starai mica prendendo in giro?” - You’re not making fun of me?
Ecco gli esempi:
A: Sai che l’italiano è ancora più difficile da imparare che il mandarino? - Did you know that Italian is even more difficult to learn than Chinese?
B: Huh? … davvero? Mi prendi in giro? - Huh? … really? Are you messing with me?
Mi prendi sempre in giro! Non mi fido. Dici la verità? - You always give me a hard time! I don’t trust you. Are you telling the truth?
Buono studio!
Un abbraccio,
Note of language love: All of our articles, lessons, and podcast episodes have been edited by Irene Malentacchi, the founder of Italian in Love. However, if you find a mistake, let us know! We want these articles to be accurate, accessible, and easy to understand. Reach out directly at italianwithcher@gmail.com or leave a comment. Grazie in anticipo!
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