Note to the passionate Italian language student: This is a free lesson that I hope makes you laugh and love Italian just a little bit more than you already do. If you love this content, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. Everything around is funded by readers like you and by my enthusiasm for the Italian language and culture. Grazie in anticipo!
Over the past 10 years, I’ve had my fair share of awkward conversations in Italian. I’ve botched grammatical constructions, acted like pronouns didn’t exist, and posed invasive questions at the wrong time in an effort to avoid awkward silences.
Trading one type of awkward for another. Take it from me, they equally suck.
That’s why I find it so helpful to memorize phrases that connect one thought to another or that help me smoothly make transitions while having a conversation.
Here are three that I’ve recently encountered:
Detto ciò - That said
Parlando di… - Speaking of
Sono partito/a per la tangente. - I’m going off on a tangent.
Vi faccio degli esempi:
Detto ciò, possiamo continuare. - Having said that, we can continue.
Ah, parlando di tua sorella. Come sta? - Ah, speaking of your sister. How is she?
Parlando della festa del ringraziamento, voglio invitarvi ad una cena. Faccio i ravioli con la zucca! - Speaking of Thanksgiving, I want to invite you to dinner. I’m making pumpkin ravioli!
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Note of language love: All of our articles, lessons, and podcast episodes have been edited by Irene Malentacchi, the founder of Italian in Love. However, if you find a mistake, let us know! We want these articles to be accurate, accessible, and easy to understand. Reach out directly at or leave a comment. Grazie in anticipo!
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