What do you say when you’ve been put on the spot and you can’t think of what to say next?
In Italian, you could use the phrase: SU DUE PIEDI
It’s exactly like the American expression “on your feet.”
Ecco gli esempi:
Non riesco a dirti, su due piedi, la parola giusta. - I can’t think of the right word off the cuff (or: off the top of my head).
Su due piedi, non mi ricordo il titolo del film. - On the spot, I don’t remember the name of the movie.
Su due piedi, direi che lei vuole una nuova borsa per Natale. - Off the cuff, I would say that she wants a new purse for Christmas.
Or, another way that you can use it to mean ‘on the spot’ might be:
Mi ha assunto su due piedi. - She hired me on the spot.
Avete delle domande? Scrivetemi!
Un abbraccio,
P.S. BUON ANNO! Vi auguro un anno pieno d’amore e di pace!
Note of language love: All of our articles, lessons, and podcast episodes have been edited by Irene Malentacchi, the founder of Italian in Love. However, if you find a mistake, let us know! We want these articles to be accurate, accessible, and easy to understand. Reach out directly at italianwithcher@gmail.com or leave a comment. Grazie in anticipo!
Note to the passionate Italian language student: This is a free lesson that I hope makes you laugh and love Italian just a little bit more than you already do. If you love this content, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. Everything around is funded by readers like you and by my enthusiasm for the Italian language and culture. Grazie in anticipo!
[Italian Lesson] You put me on the spot!