Italian with Cher
30 Minute Italian
[Italian Lesson] Time to move on.

[Italian Lesson] Time to move on.

È stato un bellissimo capitolo della nostra storia insieme, ma dobbiamo andare avanti.

A fun phrase that I learned a while back was “to close a chapter - chiudere un capitolo,” which is something that we say in English too. If you’re closing a chapter of anything in your life -- from romance to leaving your hometown -- this phrase is for you. 

Here are some examples. 

  • È stato un bellissimo capitolo della nostra storia insieme, ma dobbiamo andare avanti. - It was a beautiful chapter of our story together, but we need to move forward.

  • Non riesco a credere di aver frequentato quel ragazzo, Marco, per così tanto, ora devo chiudere quel capitolo bene. - I can’t believe that I dated that guy Marco for so long, but now I’ve got to close that chapter of my life well. 

  • Mi mancherà Rhode Island, ma devo chiudere questo capitolo nella mia vita perché voglio vivere in Italia. - I’ll miss Rhode Island, but I have to close this chapter of my life because I want to live in Italy.

Buono studio!

Un abbraccio,


Note of language love: All of our articles, lessons, and podcast episodes have been edited by a native Italian speaker. However, if you find a mistake, let us know! We want these articles to be accurate, accessible, and easy to understand. Reach out directly at or leave a comment. Grazie in anticipo!

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Italian with Cher
30 Minute Italian
Boost your confidence in speaking Italian in 30 minutes or less with the 30 Minute Italian Podcast. We cover expressions, sometimes sexy grammar, and culture through personal travel stories and detailed examples.