You see a friend on the street, so you chat for a minute. At the end of your small talk, you might say something like, “Tell your parents / wife / mom that I say hi!”
It’s polite, and it’s a nice way to say bye. So what’s one way you could say that in Italian?
Porta i miei saluti ai tuoi genitori! - Tell your parents I say hi!
Porta i miei saluti a tua moglie! - Tell your wife I say hi!
Porta i miei saluti a tuo nonno! - Tell your grandfather I say hi!
If you want to use the person’s name, you can say:
Salutami Rachele! - Say hi to Rachel for me!
Salutami tanto Rachele! - Give my best to Rachel!
If you want to make it sound more polite, as usual, you can use the “lei” form
Mi saluti sua moglie!
Mi saluti tanto Rachele!
Buono studio!
Un salutone,
Note of language love: All of our articles, lessons, and podcast episodes have been edited by a native Italian speaker. This one, in particular, was born and raised in Florence. However, if you find a mistake, let us know! We want these articles to be accurate, accessible, and easy to understand. Reach out directly at or leave a comment. Grazie in anticipo!
[Italian Lesson] Tell your parents I said hi!