Oggi, scopriremo tre proverbi che vi faranno sorridere e grattare la testa.
A fagiolo (to the bean): Perfectly, or at the right time
How can you use it?
Capitare a fagiolo - To happen at the right moment
Cadere a fagiolo - To happen at the right moment
Mi va a fagiolo - I like it.
Avere sale nella zucca (Having salt in one’s squash): To be wise
How can you use it?
Ha sale nella zucca. - She / he is wise.
You can also say "Avere poco sale nella zucca," which means to have no common sense or lack good sense.
Non cavare un ragno dal buco (to not dig a spider out from the hole): To put in work or do something and get nothing out of it.
How can you use it?
As a warning to someone --> "Non si cava un ragno dal buco" --> Don't put in work for something that has no return.
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Un abbraccio,
Note to the passionate Italian language student: This is a free lesson that I hope makes you laugh and love Italian just a little bit more than you already do. If you love this content, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. Everything around is funded by readers like you and by my enthusiasm for the Italian language and culture. Grazie in anticipo!
Note of language love: All of our articles, lessons, and podcast episodes have been edited by Irene Malentacchi, the founder of Italian in Love. However, if you find a mistake, let us know! We want these articles to be accurate, accessible, and easy to understand. Reach out directly at italianwithcher@gmail.com or leave a comment. Grazie in anticipo!
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