Today we’re talking about another nuance in Italian. When you want to say “I’m in control of the situation,” how would you translate that?
If you’re like me, you might have directly translated and guessed “essere in controllo della situazione,” but of course it’s not quite that simple.
In Italian, you HAVE control of a situation. You can’t BE in control of one.
Here are a few examples:
Amore, ci sono tre bambini qua e solo un adulto… quindi, no. Ora non ho il controllo della casa. - Love, there are three kids here and just one, no. I’m not in control of the house right now.
Hai sotto controllo questa situazione in ufficio? Se sì, me ne vado. - Are you in control of this situation in the office? If so, I’m gonna go.
Non preoccuparti! Ho tutto sotto controllo. - Don’t worry! I have everything under control.
Buono studio!
P.S. Sarò in vacanza per due settimane! Instead of posting new lessons on Sunday, I’ll post a couple of round up lessons for review. I hope you’re all enjoying your summer plans too!
P.P.S. Have you watched this movie (Jumping from High Places) on Netflix? It’s set in Puglia, and beyond being stunning, it’s heartwarming and lovely.
Note of language love: All of our articles, lessons, and podcast episodes have been edited by a native Italian speaker. However, if you find a mistake, let us know! We want these articles to be accurate, accessible, and easy to understand. Reach out directly at or leave a comment. Grazie in anticipo!
[Italian Lesson] It’s all under control.