Benvenuti to the new format of your bite-sized weekly Italian lesson! From now on, I’ll be using this platform, which is called Substack. A bonus to using this platform for you is that you’ll get access to the audio version of these lessons, and I’m super excited to re-introduce an audio element for you.
On this site, you’ll also find articles with useful phrases and grammar explanations as well as archives from the 30 Minute Italian Podcast. You’ll notice that some articles and podcast episodes are for paid subscribers only. Monthly subscriptions are $8, but you’ll still receive the weekly lessons for FREE if that’s all you want. You can upgrade or downgrade at any time.
Finally, GRAZIE TANTE for all of the feedback about the format of these lessons. After taking your thoughts into account, two lessons a month will be nearly 100% in Italian and the other two will be a mix of Italian and English. The lessons that are all in Italian will include a short vocabulary list at the end, too!
It’s nearly June and that means that travel season is upon us. I’m not pointing any fingers but if you’ve been procrastinating on improving your Italian before your trip, here’s a gentle reminder to get back in gear. :)
And whether you’ve been studying or not for your trip, here are three great travel phrases / structures to learn:
Il vino è ottimo e la vista è mozzafiato! - The wine is excellent and the view is breathtaking.
Potresti prenotare una visita guidata (della Orvieto sotterranea)! E del pozzo di San Patrizio! Sono stupendi e molto suggestivi! - You could book a guided visit of Underground Orvieto. And San Patrizio’s Well! They’re great and very interesting / evocative.
Sarà un’esperienza indimenticabile! - It will be an unforgettable experience!
You can download some more travel phrases in this free PDF: Authentic Italian Travel Phrases
It’s an oldie but a goodie :)
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Un abbraccio grosso,
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