How do you express that a misunderstanding was at fault for some action you took or something you said? One of the ways that I recently learned to say this was the word “equivoco” which literally means misunderstanding.
Here are a few examples of how you could use it:
Puoi chiarire questo equivoco per noi? Cos’è successo? - Can you clarify this misunderstanding for us? What happened?
È stato un semplice equivoco. Sarebbe potuto succedere a qualunque. - It was a simple misunderstanding. It could have happened to anyone.
Tutto questo è un tremendo equivoco. Lasciami spiegare. - All of this is a big misunderstanding. Let me explain.
Of course, there are other ways to express this too, primarily with the verbs “capire” and “fraintendere.”
Gli esempi:
Leggi il messaggio di nuovo. Mi sa che hai capito male. - Read the message again. I think you misunderstood it.
Hai frainteso tutto. - You’ve misunderstood everything.
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Un abbraccio,
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