Italian with Cher
30 Minute Italian
[Italian Lesson] I stuffed myself.

[Italian Lesson] I stuffed myself.

Ieri sera mi sono fatto un’abbuffata di lasagne al tartufo.

Today’s lesson is a behavior that you might be familiar with, especially if you’ve recently been to Italy and enjoyed the diversity of food that the country has to offer.

If you’re not careful, it’s easy to stuff yourself with paste, dolci, pane, e carne. 

And if you want to talk about how that happened in Italian, you would use the verb “abbuffarsi.”

Ecco gli esempi:

  • Mi sono abbuffato di torta e adesso mi sento male. - I stuffed myself with cake and now I don’t feel good.

  • Ieri sera mi sono fatto un’abbuffata di lasagne al tartufo. -  Last night I gorged on truffle lasagna. / Last night I had a feast of truffle lasagna.

  • Non abbuffarti con quel pane! Abbiamo ordinato cinque portate! - Don’t stuff yourself with that bread! We ordered five courses!

Note of language love: All of our articles, lessons, and podcast episodes have been edited by Irene Malentacchi, the founder of Italian in Love. However, if you find a mistake, let us know! We want these articles to be accurate, accessible, and easy to understand. Reach out directly at or leave a comment. Grazie in anticipo!

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Italian with Cher
30 Minute Italian
Boost your confidence in speaking Italian in 30 minutes or less with the 30 Minute Italian Podcast. We cover expressions, sometimes sexy grammar, and culture through personal travel stories and detailed examples.