Your bite-sized lesson today is a handful of phrases you can use in conversation to affirm that you and the person you’re speaking with just get each other.
Ti leggo il pensiero. - I’m reading your mind.
Ti ho letto il pensiero. - I read your mind.
Siamo sulla stessa lunghezza d’onda. - We’re on the same wavelength.
Ci capiamo a vicenda. - We get each other.
Avete delle domande? Scrivetemi!
Un abbraccio,
P.S. I can’t believe that I’ve never shared my Italian Spotify playlist with all of you! In one word, I would describe it as eclectic, haha. These are songs that span the decade that I’ve been studying Italian, and the styles and genres shift and evolve as I age. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO IT. Buon ascolto!
Note to the passionate Italian language student: This is a free lesson that I hope makes you laugh and love Italian just a little bit more than you already do. If you love this content, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. When do you that, I can keep this party going and you can read articles like 8 of My Favorite Italian Proverbs and Native Audio + Transcript: Andare in Sardegna. Buono studio!
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