La mini-lezione oggi si tratta di una sfumatura in italiano. Diciamo che stai parlando delle ricette di pasta con un amico.
Per dire, “You want to use a simple sauce of salvia and butter with these tortellini.”
To translate “sauce,” would you use:
Il sugo
La salsa
Il condimento
Each of these words has their place to mean “sauce,” but with the example I’ve given above, you would use “il condimento.”
So that would be, “Prepari i tortellini con un condimento semplice con salvia e burro.”
Here’s the basics of when you would use each word:
Il sugo - Sauce prepared with meat and veggies
La salsa - Sauce prepared with pasta (without meat) and cooked; similar to a gravy
Il condimento - Dressing (like with a salad or something simple and thin like in the example above)
Here are a couple other examples:
Voglio un condimento di olio d’oliva e sale per l’insalata. - I want a olive oil and salt dressing for the salad.
Oggi abbiamo preparato un sugo con la polpa di manzo, il brodo di carne, la pancetta, la salsa di pomodoro, la carota, e le cipolle; si chiama il ragù alla bolognese. - Today we’ve prepared a sauce with beef, meat broth, bacon, tomato sauce, carrot, and onions; it’s called bolognese meat sauce.
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Un abbraccio,
Note of language love: All of our articles, lessons, and podcast episodes have been edited by Irene Malentacchi, the founder of Italian in Love. However, if you find a mistake, let us know! We want these articles to be accurate, accessible, and easy to understand. Reach out directly at or leave a comment. Grazie in anticipo!
Wonderful, extremely useful. You are terrific. Much appreciated and keep the lessons coming.
James D’Auria.