[Italian Lesson] Where is ribollita popular?
La ribollita in autunno è un piatto molto gettonato a Firenze.
I crave variety with the language I use just as much as I crave variety with the foods I eat. I’m a collector of synonyms and fun turns of phrases, which is what makes sharing Italian lessons like this so easy and delightful for me.
One of the recent words that I collected is “gettonato,” which means “popular.”
The first time I said the word “gettonato,” I used a hard “g” like one that you would hear in “get” or “gone” but it’s actually pronounced with a soft “g” like a “jetted tub” or a “jet ski.” If you want to hear it for yourself, check out the pronunciation on Forvo.com here.
Here are some examples of how to use it:
TikTok è una piattaforma molto gettonata per i giovani al giorno d’oggi. - TikTok is a popular platform for young people these days.
Ho scelto il nome ‘Chiara’ perché è bello e molto gettonato in Italia. - I chose the name ‘Chiara’ because it’s beautiful and very popular in Italy.
Seguo molti YouTuber gettonati per migliorare la comprensione orale in italiano. - I follow many popular YouTubers to improve my auditory comprehension in Italian.
Alcune delle città più gettonate in Italia sono Venezia, Roma, Napoli, Bologna, Firenze, e Siena. - Some of the most popular cities in Italy are Venice, Rome, Naples, Bologna, Florence, and Siena.
La ribollita in autunno è un piatto molto gettonato a Firenze. Per me, è un cibo di conforto. - Ribollita is a very popular dish in Autumn in Florence. For me, it’s comfort food.
Of course, you could use the word “popolare” to mean the same thing. Another phrase you might consider is “va di moda.”
Here are some examples of those:
Gli ingredienti sono semplici, ma questa insalata di pasta è molto popolare alle feste. - The ingredients are simple, but this pasta salad is really popular at parties.
Ora essere sano va di moda, ma trent’anni fa, non era così. - Being healthy is trendy now, but that wasn’t the case thirty years ago.
Avete delle domande? Scrivetemi!
Un abbraccio,
P.S. I have an unconventional request. I’ll be visiting Portland this month, and the person I’m going with desperately wants to go to the Nike employee store. To go to the store, you have to be invited by an employee. Any chance that you work for Nike and would be willing to invite us to the store to shop? GRAZIE IN ANTICIPO!
Ho scelto il nome Chiara per mia figlia perché era il nome di mia bisnonna, e anche è un bel nome :-)